Friday, December 18, 2009

What is flex seed oil, where it can ce brought?

what is the uses of flex seedsWhat is flex seed oil, where it can ce brought?
Flax seed oil is an oil from the flax plant, flax is normally grown for its fiber which is used to make linen. Flax does contain omega-III but not the same types as fish oil which is primarily DHA and EPA. Flax is converted to the same as fish oil omegas but not very efficiently or quickly, think weeks, maybe months. Flax is cheaper though, so I take both.

The best type to buy is organic, it is not much more expensive than regular and does not contain the solvents used for extraction that regular does. You can buy it at Sam's, Costco, health food stores, GNC, Vitamin Cottage, etc.What is flex seed oil, where it can ce brought?
What you're thinking of is FLAX seed oil. Flax contains omega-3 fatty acids which is also found in fish. People who lack fish in their diet sometimes opt to take flax seed oil pills to supplement their diet.

It can be bought in health food stores, or even at the drug store's vitamins section. I've seen it at Target even.

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