Tuesday, December 22, 2009

How do I make flax seed oil out of the seeds I have?

There are two ways, crushing or grinding. Crushing them gives the about twice as much oil but you can buy household grinders at a health food store. Crushing them requires a fairly big machine and a very heavy roller.How do I make flax seed oil out of the seeds I have?
The process for making an oil from a seed can't be duplicated at home, but you can make homemade flax meal:

I suggest adding homemade flax meal to your diet, since this is a cheap and convenient source of the fatty acids you want.

路 Buy whole flaxseeds in a natural-food store.

路 Keep them in the refrigerator, and

路 grind a half-cup or so at a time, using a blender or coffee grinderHow do I make flax seed oil out of the seeds I have?
A centrifuge would do the trick. the cells rupture when the rub against each other releasing the oil.
you don't unless you have a rather large machine that will press it,if you want to turn it into powder and use it that way use a small coffee bean grinder

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